
PE and Sport Premium

Sports Premium 2024 - 25

Our Vision

To ensure all children receive a minimum of two hours high quality Physical Education per week and promote 30 minutes of physical activity per day through active playtimes. We aim to deliver sustainable teaching that increases participation levels in physical activity and competition, resulting in healthier pupils who are more engaged through the whole curriculum.

Sport and the Sports Premium at Archbishop Runcie First School

Currently, every school receives £16,000 plus an extra £10 per pupil each year from the government. This money is earmarked solely for the development of sport and PE provision within our school.

At Archbishop Runcie First School, we aim to encourage every child to increase their participation in high quality sport and physical activity. As a school, we want to ensure that all children are given the opportunity to take part in high quality sporting activities, whether that is developing a skill or trying something new.

Our priority is to educate children, parents and staff in the importance of regular activity in order to promote a healthy, active lifestyle. Through this we aim to increase participation in active out of school activities, school tournaments, competitions and festivals.

Through P.E. we promote the core values of love and determination, in addition to developing a positive and competitive attitude towards sport.

Archbishop Runcie First School understands the key influence of the contribution of PE and sport to the wider health and wellbeing of our children. We also strongly believe that a broad, balanced high quality curriculum and extra- curricular activities have a positive impact on concentration and academic achievement.

At Archbishop Runcie First School we endeavour to engage as many of our children as possible in the widest range of physical activities and sports. Our teachers work hard to make sure that all children engage in at least two hours of high quality Physical Education every week.


The Sports Premium

The Primary PE and Sport Premium was introduced in March 2013 to improve the provision of Physical Education and School Sport in Primary Schools across England. It provides a ‘Sporting Premium’ fund which enables schools to further enhance and invest in P.E. and Sports provisions. This funding is 'ring-fenced' which means that it can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools. At Archbishop Runcie First School, we strive to ensure that our pupils receive high quality P.E. teaching within the school and the opportunity to take part in a range of sports within the Gosforth Trust and Newcastle City Wide Schools.

We were delighted to hear of the increased funding which is now available to enable schools to continue to develop the quality of P.E. and Sport within their school.


The P.E. and Sports Premium is designed to:

  • Develop and add to the P.E. and Sport activities that our school already offers.
  • Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years.


At Archbishop Runcie First School, our objectives are:

  • To promote the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – The Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school.
  • To raise the profile of P.E. and sport across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement.
  • To increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching P.E. and Sport.
  • To offer a broader experience and range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
  • To increase participation in competitive sport.



We have made sure these improvements are sustainable by using the P.E. grant to ensure that:

  • Teachers are upskilled through CPD.
  • We work in collaborative partnership with the Gosforth Schools’ Trust.
  • Staff are coached to ensure knowledge and skills base is underpinned to support P.E. delivery within school.
  • Best practice is modelled with school staff ; ability for staff to ask questions which further supports the delivery of PE to support the children’s learning, knowledge and skills.
  • Confidence of non-specialist  teaching staff is raised and enthused to deliver PE.
  • Support staff are upskilled and given CPD to support active break times and lunchtimes.
  • We embed assessing pupils participation and skills  with milestones to support the development, progression of learning and skills base.
  • Lessons are sequenced to support teaching and learning in a cohesive way.
  • Children’s knowledge, skills and enthusiasm increased  (evidenced through PE subject lead scrutiny – discussion with children).
  • The PE subject lead is supported with the auditing of resources to ensure that PE is delivered across the school to optimum effect through the Local Authority SLA.
  • Governors are involved and kept up to date with developments in PE in school and spending of the Sports Premium. The link governor liaises with the PE lead to report back to the governing body.

 Involving Staff, Parents and Carers

The understanding and engagement of our staff, parents and guardians is essential to the continued success and increased provision of PE and Sport at Archbishop Runcie First School. This ensures that our vision and objectives can be achieved. Our Governors and the Senior Leadership Team work together with the P.E. Lead to monitor and review the PE and Sport provision in our school.

The PE and Sport Policy will be fully reviewed on an academic basis unless there are any new initiatives that would require the review to be carried out sooner.



Our school takes children, in Years 3 and 4, who are unable to swim 25 metres for swimming lessons at Gosforth Pool, during the summer term as part of their PE provision. This ensures children are well prepared for the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) expectation that they will be able to swim 25m. 
% of LKS2 children able to swim 25m by end of Year 4
    68% 67% n/a
60% 58% 53%