

All children are expected to wear school uniform and sensible black shoes or trainers every day (no open toes please!). 
We hold a stock of good quality pre-loved uniform in the school foyer available for all. Donations welcome.
Nursery – Year 4:
  • Yellow Polo Shirt - either completely plain or with school logo - this is a required item
  • Royal blue round neck sweatshirt or cardigan - either completely plain or with school logo - this is a required item
  • Plain grey or black trousers, shorts, skirts, pinafores -  this is a required item
  • During the Summer Term, blue gingham dresses may be worn - this is an optional item
  • Sensible fitting smart black shoes, (not trainers) or boots. Shoes with a heel are not permitted. These should be suitable for outdoor play and running and should not have open toes - this is a required item
  • Plain grey, black or white tights or socks (not leggings) - this is a required item   
PE Kit
  • Plain yellow T-Shirt -  this is a required item
  • Royal blue, plain shorts and/or navy tracksuit bottoms - this is a required item
  • Navy hoodie, sweatshirt or zip-through top either completely plain or with school logo - this is an optional item for Years 2 - 4 only
  • Well-fitting trainers that children can fasten themselves (not plimsolls). We ask families to not send children with lace up shoes if they cannot tie their own laces - this is a required item
  • Small wrist watches may be worn (smart watches are not allowed); however these must be removed for PE.
  • Jewellery, make up and nail varnish are not permitted. Smart watches, watches which take photographs/make recordings are not allowed to be worn by children in school.
  • There are no specific rules about hair lengths or styles, however, long hair (below collar length) needs to be tied back.
  • The over-riding factor is always reasonableness. We are not in favour of children having extreme hairstyles as this serves as a distraction to others and sets the pupil out as being different, which can lead to problems with behaviour and discipline amongst the pupils.
  • The Headteacher shall have the final say in deciding what is acceptable, so when in doubt parents should consult with her before buying items which might not be acceptable or if in doubt about hair style.
  • Children are also not allowed to bring mobile phones into school. If these are found, they will be removed from the child and kept safely in the school office until an adult can collect them. Please see the school’s Behaviour Policy for further information.
  • Royal blue books bags are recommended (plain or with the school logo). We do not have space in school to store any bags larger than this. Please do not send rucksacks to school. A branded bag is available from Tots to Teams, or a plain blue book bag can be purchased from other retailers.
  • Children are also asked to bring a warm, waterproof coat and appropriate seasonal clothing such as hats or gloves. These should also be clearly named. Coats can be of any type or colour. We play out in most safe weather conditions. Please sure your child brings a coat every day. Tots to Teams also provide a school fleece and coat for those families who would like one, there is no obligation to purchase this.
  • A named water bottle.
  • Everything that comes to school needs to be clearly labelled with your child's full name.

The Headteacher shall have the final say in deciding what is acceptable, so when in doubt parents should consult with her before buying items which might not be acceptable or if in doubt about hair style.
  • Children are also not allowed to bring mobile phones into school. If these are found, they will be removed from the child and kept safely in the school office until an adult can collect them. Please see the school’s Behaviour Policy for further information.
Children in Nursery and Reception bring PE kits to keep in school. Families are asked to bring drawstring bag in which to store their PE kit.
Children in Years 1 - 4 should come to school ready for PE on their allocated day (see class newsletters). Children should arrive in their PE kit.

Logoed PE hoodies can be funded for children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding.                                         

Official School uniform is available to order from our supplier, Tots to Teams at https://totstoteams.com/ . Alternatively, you can contact our PTFA who sell pre-loved uniform on archbishopruncieptfa@gmail.com

Please note that more affordable non branded polo shirts and sweatshirts in school colours are available from various High Street shops and supermarkets.