
Mrs Diana Lavin


Personal Statement

I have worked in Education (Secondary Sector) in a total of 5 LAs – geographically spread throughout England. I have held three posts as Music HOD in different parts of the country, was AST (Music) for the city, (Newcastle LA) also undertaking a Music Moderator role with the Edexcel Exam Board whilst at the 7th largest secondary school in the UK (roll 2300+).

For 5 years prior to retirement in 2018, I was school PT responsible for T/L, leading a busy ITT cohort (via Teach First/Schools Direct/University PGCE placements and other organisations) and was licensed to deliver regional courses within the NPQ framework for those Teachers/Middle Leaders aspiring to leadership roles. I was instrumental in the setting up and operation of a student exchange between Newcastle and Beijing.

I am well-versed in the roles and responsibilities of school governance (this will be my third appointment), my most recent one as VC (Newcastle Bridges School, a complex specialist provision including 4 hospitals) ending in Dec 2022. Despite being retired for some of this time, and although my experience has been predominantly secondary, I have continuously updated myself with revisions of education practice and have always attended all briefings and training courses offered by the LA and other organisations that were pursuant to the role of Governor/LAC member. I am a conscientious learner and experienced collaborative practitioner.

I am UK Education advisor to the EUW (European Union of Women)

I am most familiar with Archbishop Runcie First School, undertaking a regular voluntary role with the school choir both before and since the Covid disruption. I have contributed to assembly music.

As a regular churchgoer at All Saints, Gosforth, I run an adult choir and Farmers’ Market. I am a member of both the Standing Committee of the PCC at All Saints and the Diocesan Synod.

I very much wish to be a Governor at ARFS because I believe both my experience over time and current activities will enable me, to the best of my ability, support the school in its developments, its staff and most of all the children to help ensure they thrive in an environment that’s not only exciting and challenging for them but also happy.