
Mrs Fatima Begum

I have a long standing interest in education and have worked across a number of schools in the North East, working as a classroom teacher, second in department, head of department and as part of the extended leadership team. This has allowed me to deepen my understanding of how a school operates across a range of layers, including working with my link governor and writing department policies around assessment, teaching and learning and health and safety. It has also allowed me to continue to develop my skill to discuss ideas with others to work as a team.
As an experienced practitioner, I am dedicated to staff development, leading CPD in my department, delivering training to trainee teachers and being in charge of the whole school CPD, skills I hope to share with the school as the role of a governor. As an experienced leader (of staff, students, curriculum and budgets) I believe I bring my skills of leading with integrity, honesty, openness, accountability and reliability to help strengthen the school further and help it grow to meet its goals.