
Summary of provision

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Document
This document outlines the school offer or levels of support offered at Archbishop Runcie C of E First School:

For all children

The SENCo is Mrs Ellwood

There is a dedicated SEN Governor.

There is a SEND policy with provision in place.

There is an Accessibility Policy in line with the Equality Act of 2010.

Information about inclusion is available to parents.

There is a plan for the development of SEND.

There is an inclusive ethos and curriculum.

There are a range of teaching strategies and learning opportunities.

There is a range of ICT hardware and software to support learning.

Pupil Progress is tracked and targeted with regular reviews with Senior Leaders to ensure all children make rapid and sustained progress.

For children with a special educational need, disability, medical need or a combination

There are regular assessments of the learning environment.

Additional provision for individuals and small groups is planned, used and reviewed regularly.

The SENCo works with classroom staff and parents or carers to individualise provision for individuals and small groups of children.

ICT resources are deployed to support learning and progress.

Staff work in partnership with outside agencies to support individual children.

Detailed planning incorporates specialist information.

The layout of the learning environment is adapted to meet the needs of individual children where it is reasonably possible.

For children with a Statement of Special Educational Need or an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

Planning and monitoring is highly detailed.

There may be individualized programmes in several areas of need.

Arrangements are made for provision specified in a Statement of SEN or EHCP.

Arrangements for the annual review of a statement of SEN or an EHCP are made.