
Support offered

Categories of SEN and support offered at Archbishop Runcie C of E VA First School:

Type of Special Educational Need

Type of support/provision offered at Archbishop Runcie C of E VA First School.

Communication and Interaction Needs:

  • Autistic Spectrum/Social Communication Disorders ( ASD)
  • Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)

We adopt a topic led curriculum which is tailored to meet the diverse needs and interests of our pupils.

We use visual timetables according to need. In order to give pupils structure to the day, promote independence, reduce anxiety, increase confidence, build upon pupil's strength as a visual learner, build upon pupil's desire for routine, predictability and organization.

We offer support and supervision at unstructured times of the day e.g. lunchtime.

We offer small group targeted intervention programmes to improve skills in a variety of areas including independent life skills.

We use ICT to reduce barriers to learning where possible.

We use strategies/programmes to support speech and language development.

Support to parents can be offered by our Parent Support Advisor who can be contacted through school.

Additional support is offered to families and they are signposted to services/organisations which may offer support/advice where appropriate, via the Local Offer.

Cognition and Learning Needs:

  • Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)
  • Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) (Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia.)

We use strategies to promote and develop literacy and numeracy skills, knowledge and understanding.

We support access to the curriculum via a variety of interventions and human resources in order to develop skills for independent learning.

We use small group targeted intervention programmes to improve skills in a variety of areas, e.g. Toe by Toe, which helps support the learning of children with Dyslexia. Small group daily phonics teaching. Additional thinking time where appropriate.

We use ICT to reduce barriers to learning where possible (beneficial to our Dyslexic pupils).

We seek support and advice from specialist agencies such as SENTASS to ensure any barriers to success are fully identified and responded to. Physical resources or aids are used where appropriate.

We offer curriculum support to pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL).

Support to parents can be offered by our Parent Support Advisor who can be contacted through school.

Additional support is offered to families and they are signposted to services/organisations which may offer support/advice where appropriate, via the Local Offer.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health:

  • Social Difficulties
  • Mental Health Conditions
  • Emotional Difficulties

Our behaviour management systems in school are based on encouraging pupils to make positive decisions about behavioural choices.

The school’s behaviour policy identifies where reasonable adjustments or changes can be made to ensure the need for exclusion is kept to a minimum.

Timely referrals are made to CYPS (Children and Young People’s Service) which diagnose and assess  a variety of mental health issues.

We use risk assessments and take action to ensure the safety and inclusion of all pupils in all activities.

The school provides effective pastoral care for all pupils including fostering a good relationship with families and encouraging mutual cooperation and respect.

Children can be referred to Kalmer Counselling for individual or group support or counselling.

We can offer individual or small-group targeted programmes to improve social skills and emotional resilience.

Where appropriate, we provide a different approach to the curriculum, to support pupils with social, emotional and behavioural needs.

We provide children and parents with information and support regarding behavioural, emotional and social needs and seek guidance from agencies such as SENTASS. (Special Educational Needs Teaching and Support service).

We use small group targeted intervention programmes to improve skills in a variety of areas such as making friends and building resilience.

We seek support from outside agencies such as the School Health Advisor, behaviour support agencies, Barnardos, Victim Support and Action for Children to name a few.

Support to parents can be offered by our Parent Support Advisor who can be contacted through school.

Additional support is offered to families and they are signposted to services/organisations which may offer support/advice where appropriate, via the Local Offer.

Visual Impairment

Medical Needs

Physical and sensory needs

We provide support and aids with the support of the V.I. Service to ensure access to the curriculum and develop independent learning.

Pupils are supported to develop their life skills through an individual programme designed to encourage and improve confidence, self-esteem and independence.

With the support of the V.I. Service we support the development of mobility and orientation skills.

We maintain links with the local health service and specialist hospitals and local organisations. Aids and resources are used following recommendations.

We use ICT to increase access to the curriculum. V.I. pupils login to access user friendly icons and tools.

Touch typing tuition encourages greater access to the curriculum.

We seek advice and guidance from the Health Service to ensure barriers to success are reduced or removed.

Risk assessments and plans are drawn up for all children with a medical need.

Our staff understand and apply the medicine administration policy.

Additional support is offered to families and they are signposted to services/organisations which may offer support/advice where appropriate, via the Local Offer. All entrances to our school have ramps fitted to allow wheelchair access.

Our school has accessible disabled toilet facilities. Where occupational therapy is appropriate staff will undertake training and advice to deliver support programmes.

We offer inclusive sports and activities.

We use small-group targeted intervention programmes to improve skills in a variety of areas including independent living skills and independent travel training.

Our staff receive training to ensure they understand the impact of a physical/sensory need on teaching and learning.

Our school works hard to ensure that parents/carers are able to work in partnership with us to support their children.

Support to parents can be offered by our Parent Support Advisor who can be contacted through school.

Additional support is offered to families and they are signposted to services/organisations which may offer support/advice where appropriate, via the Local Offer.