
Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA)

All families of pupils at our school are members of the PTFA. The PTFA runs regular fundraising and social events for the whole school community. Our fundraising efforts have enhanced the education and experience of all the children at the school and will continue to do so with your support.
Please get in touch with questions, suggestions, or offers of help.
Our Facebook closed group (only for parents and staff) is Archbishop Runcie PTFA https://www.facebook.com/groups/717356231652649/ - just send a request to join
Alternatively, you can email them on archbishopruncieptfa@gmail.com
Don’t forget about our ongoing simple fundraising options:
  • Go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk supporting ‘Archbishop Runcie First School PTFA, Gosforth’ to raise funds with no effort while you shop. Signing up is easy—and there’s an app or a reminder toolbar for your PC which you can download to raise 50p straight away;
  • Also, if you buy a Micro scooter use the school Unique Reference Number (URN): 108495