We have 15 hour and 30 hour places in Nursery available!

Our Vision, Ethos and Values


The school first existed as a force for social change and we remember this within our historic original mission as we continue to inspire and transform the minds and hearts of everyone we serve today and, thus, the wider world.  Everyone associated with our school will experience life in all its fullness, as promised by Jesus. We do so with Love and Determination.

Our Original Mission

“A school for the education of children only of the labouring mining and manufacturing and other poorer classes in the Parish of Gosforth and for no other purpose.”

Current Mission

As a church school, we promote educational excellence, for everyone. Our purpose in education is to enable the children, families, staff, Governors and the wider community we serve to flourish. The Christian values of Love and Determination are at the core of teaching and culture within the school. We believe this makes us distinctive in the learning experience on offer.

This is firmly rooted in the following epistle:

Be courageous; be strong. 
Do everything in love.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14


  • Build and promote the Christian values of Love and Determination, encouraging children to show love, forgiveness and respect for others, courageously advocating for a kinder world.
  • Teach rigorous lessons with high expectations within a loving, nurturing environment, enabling all to flourish.
  • Value the uniqueness and individual worth of each member as a child of God.  
  • Place collective worship as a shared experience at the center of the school's daily life.
  • Serve and warmly welcome the community, including those of all faiths and none.
  • Encourage links between the school, home, our parishes and the wider community.