We have 15 hour and 30 hour places in Nursery available!

Our Vision and Values

Our original Mission

“A school for the education of children only of the labouring mining and manufacturing and other poorer classes in the Parish of Gosforth and for no other purpose.”

The school first existed as a force for social change and we remember this within our historic original mission as we continue to inspire and transform the minds and hearts of everyone we serve today and, thus, the wider world.

In light of our ever changing community, we seek to develop love and determination and, in doing so, enable everyone associated with our school to experience life in all its fullness, as promised by Jesus.


Current Mission

Inspired by the parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15: 1-7), our mission is to enable everyone within our school community to flourish through our unconditional love and determination, as demonstrated by the good shepherd. We are reminded that every single member of our school community is equally valued and loved in the image of God.



In 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, Paul urged the church in Corinth to:

Be courageous; be strong. 

Do everything in love.


This epistle helps us understand;

  • that God's love sets self aside, over and over, endlessly, for the good of others. 
  • that our thoughts and deeds should spring from, and be done, in love and with strength and courage – referred to as determination.



Rooted in the epistle above, the Christian values of love and determination are at the core of teaching and culture within the school.